Here is a list of upcoming events Midwest Competition Works plans on attending. These are a perfect place to see our gear, ask questions, drop off products for services or pickup purchases without paying shipping!
Two weeks before an event we will confirm our attendance both here and on social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc…).

Featuring acres of exhibits, premier events, educational seminars and workshops, and fun-filled activities.

2021 ZeroSports Jerseys Chattanooga IDPA Classic
The 2021 Chattanooga Classic will be held at Montlake Sportsmen’s Club in Soddy Daisy, TN. Hosted by Chattanooga Practical Shooting Association.

Indy CCP Classic 2021
3rd annual IDPA Indy CCP Classic Match at the Atlanta Conservation Club (ACC). This match is a new tradition they are continuing at ACC in addition to their regular IDPA State Championship in October.

2021 Arkansas IDPA State Championship
The CASA gun club is hosting. The event will feature 12 scenario stages in this Tier 3 match. There will be a mid-match snack break, and a meal AFTER the match.

Gulf Coast Championship
The Gulf Coast Regional Championship is an IDPA Regional, Tier 4 Match designed by experienced IDPA and USPSA Shooters who build fun and challenging stages!

Shot Show 21’
The SHOT (Shooting, Hunting, Outdoor Trade) Show is an American annual trade show for the shooting, hunting, and firearms industry.
It is the biggest event of this type in the world together with IWA & OutdoorClassics ("IWA Nuremberg"), also taking place annually. "SHOT", besides being a general reference to shooting, is an acronym for "Shooting, Hunting and Outdoor Trade" (show).